Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Moving while Prego...

Our move to Atlanta GA... I am rather proud of myself for driving the whole 11 1/2 hours in a 16ft moving truck, while towing my car, while being 7 months prego! Luckily thats all I had to do... drive (I got the easy part I think) . Trav loaded everything and his family helped unloaded everything, it was alot of work! Thanks Everyone!

Pregnancy does awful things to your complexion, I swear!

End of the road...

Yay we finally made it!

BIG truck, plus trailer thingamajigger

Jay unloading my car and the trailer thingamajigger, Thanks Jay =)

1 comment:

Becca and Jon said...

What good helpers you have Hammie!! Sounds like you could be a truck driver, just strap little Peanut in his infant carseat & awaaay you go! LOL!!
You're right, being prego totally messes up your skin (at least it did mine & yours!).
Keep takin it easy so my nephew doesn't come tooo early.
Love ya & wish I was there to help ya out! xoxoxo